Established in 1900, the Science Citation Index (SCI), now Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), is meant for peer-reviewed academic journals from multidisciplinary domains. It identifies high-standard scientific articles to be included in a globally recognised citation index. SCIE holds more than 9,000 scientific journals from 177 disciplines.
With its high state of valuation, the articles to be published in SCI journals are subject to undergo severe scrutiny and speculations. Though the peripheries of subject selection are very wide, the stress is on delivering content that is worth the publication for the intellectual community. In this article, you will get the major points that SCI checks for considering the publication of your article. For a comprehensive understanding of the pathway for the publication of your manuscript, note the illustrated diagram mentioned below:
Before considering the major points for SCI publication, it is important to note that SCI assesses the Impact Factor of your article. Achievement of 10 or more is marked as an Excellent Score. However, a score of 3 gets flagged as a good article for publication.
This scoring gets counted based on the criteria mentioned below:
Use of Language
When it comes to the usage of language, SCI is very particular about the kind of jargon and scientific terms that you use in your article. Since these articles are read by the experts in your field, it becomes necessary that rather than giving a long description of a thing or process, you use the appropriate scientific word for expressing your context. While writing your article, you do not have to worry about simplifying the words. The intellectual readers are all scientists, and they can comprehend the scientific words and descriptions.
Error-free English Always remember that for SCI publication, your article shall undergo peer reviews. For this purpose, you must offer grammatically correct English. You can seek assistance from your colleagues, or choose professionals for editing and checking the standard of your language and the use of the right grammatical construction of your idea.
Original Content
To get recognised in an SCI journal paper publication, it is mandatory to submit an article with original ideas and content. You can take support from former research works for justifying and creating your novel concept. However, you need to avoid every trace of plagiarism while referring to former research work. Always write whatever you have grasped from the former researcher, and never copy-paste any content.
Structure & Format
SCI instantly rejects all those articles that do not follow the determined structure or format of the article. Irrespective of your highly researched approach and derivation of the subject, it is liable to get rejected if you do not abide by the SCI recommended structure and format of your manuscript.
Structural Inclusions
Any submitted manuscript for SCI publication must comprise:
Make sure that you state the Aim & Scope of your research in very clear terms. Structuring the rest of the content as per the recommended template is very necessary. While developing your research and collecting data, make sure that you maintain all kinds of research-related codes of Ethics. You need to make declarations and acknowledge all the secondary sources, and enlist the researchers at the end of the manuscripts to prevent copyright issues. Format all the Figures, Tables, Graphs, and all the other data as per the recommended Reference List. In General, the scientific articles are expected to follow APA 7th Edition.
Follow Template
Though SCI Paper is said to consider a Format-free structure, it is still always safe to consider the recommended approach. Always consider the .docx format of Microsoft Word. Focus on the step-by-step presentation of the core elements of your manuscript. Remain very specific about the following aspects:
While following the aforementioned format, make sure that the inclusion of all the necessary data should make the final draft more than 120 MB.
Scale of Appreciation
Since the purpose of publication in SCI is to bring your idea and concept to the notice of experts, your article must get reviews from your peers. There is a need to get identified by other researchers from your domain. Moreover, through the process of critical evaluation, your article is subject to be recognised for its appropriate value in the research domain.
Peer Review
You need to have well-attained reports from your peers about the quality and relevance of your thought process. these peers can be your colleagues from your University or some other academic institutions for higher education. The only thing is that these peers must have a clear understanding of the field of research that you interpreted. It is suggested that you should appeal to people who are already involved in your field of research.
Gain Impact
The purpose of scoring under the provision of Impact Factor is to bring in a higher count of credibility to your research work. Impact scores between 3 to 9 are noted as good, whereas a higher impact score of 10 and more than 10 makes your research one of the most important pieces of work in your research domain. An impact score is important as it adds recognition of delivering the impact of your research in the respective field.
Conclusively, it is an honour to get published in an SCI journal. It is not only beneficial for getting career growth but also is noted as significant to add recognition to your scholarly contributions.