To write a Literature Review, you need to understand its process and the way to develop it. In this article, a detailed understanding of writing a Literature Review has been provided to make your research work worth the publication.
The review of literature for a research paper must undergo very meticulously created foregrounds to meet the research purpose. The most efficient way to write a review of literature is to have a determined aim and purpose of the research. As you gain the right purpose and aim of the research, the database search on – EBSCOHost, Google Scholar, ProQuest, The Lancet, Elsevier, Sage, and JSTOR; for relevant articles and secondary sources becomes very clear.
Every subject possesses its database sources. The right database confirms the right selection of the right sources. For instance, kindly note the databases for the following subjects-
As per your selected subject, you need to search your secondary sources from the subject-specific database. Consider collecting data based on appropriate keywords. The attained sources can be in the form of books, peer-reviewed journals, bibliographies, empirical/evidence-based scholarly articles, dissertations and theses, conference proceedings and papers, or grey literature.
Check It Out: Transforming Research Papers with an Effective Review of Literature!
With relevant research articles and papers in hand, you can start with a review of the relevant articles. For this process, you need to undergo the following process-
The foremost step is to read all the articles, research paper writing services, and books, to identify the familiarity of these sources with your research topic, aim, and objectives. Reject all those articles and secondary sources that are not coming close to your research.
Analyse in Terms of Scholarly Context.
Analyze each of the selected articles as per their results and derivations. Make sure that all the attained results are close to your research topic.
Shuffle the collected secondary sources as per their theoretical and empirical approaches
Based on the theoretical discussions and applications to the relevantly connected topic, identify the theories that will fit your research pathway. Develop an appropriate theoretical framework based on the right selections.
Make a list of all the derivations that are attained from the empirical research works. This listing is important as it will connect your research to some ground realities.
Based on the theoretical and empirical derivations, create a list of newly gathered knowledge about your research topic. Try to find out if the theoretical and empirical information could meet your research objectives. Try to strive for answers to your research question. With the uniqueness of your research topic, you are sure to gain some gaps between the attained research papers and your research objectives. Determine the gaps based on appropriate debate and argumentative approaches.
Literature Review in a dissertation aims to gain extensive knowledge about the research topic. It is also subject to finding the research gaps, to pursuing new research in the same domain. The following proceedings are to be followed while writing a review of the literature.
Create the major themes that you are going to understand or analyze in the Literature Review. These themes should be generated from your research aim, purpose, and objectives. Remain theme-specific while reviewing the literature. Do not start every paragraph by using the name of the researcher or author. It will bring in the impression that you are more carried away with the count of including researchers in the Review of Literature, rather than concentrating on relevant themes.
Research-relevant secondary papers must be evaluated as per their approach to resolving your concern in the selected field. For this purpose remain argumentative and consider debatable aspects to justify the inclusion of the findings in the literature review. Try to understand the new idea led by the researcher or the author. Offer a critical point of view as per similar findings by other researchers or authors. Give contradictory statements if you can justify the same. Try to analyze if the attained new declaration fits into your research objectives.
Always develop argumentative statements by offering comparative analysis between the points of view of different scholars. It is important that while comparing the varied points of view, you offer necessary justifications. The comparative analysis must show that the researchers are though not wrong, yet could not be considered the same concerning the topics that you are handling. Deliver an analytical understanding of the contexts and compare them with similar contexts with close proximities.
Offer comparative analysis. Do not just describe what the researchers are saying about the relevant subject, but try to offer a clustered point of view. For instance,
Shaw (2015) stated that management trainees should get knowledge about the usage of social media. Hopkins (2018) stated that social media-related usage should be made aware to the management trainees under legal proceedings. According to Anderson (2020), the management trainees should know the legal protocols about using social media.
The management trainees should be aware of all kinds of legal protocols for using social media (Shaw, 2015; Hopkins, 2018; Anderson, 2020).
In most cases, a research paper gets rejected if the research fails to keep a logical connection between the paragraphs. Your writing should always have similar context and words at the end of the paragraph, and the same should be used at least once at the beginning of the next paragraph. This will bring a kind of synchronization in the research approach. It is always suggested that you should distribute your Literature Review under different subheadings. As these subheadings will function under specific heading the logical connectivity can be easily established.
A Literature Review aims to collect all kinds of information related to the research topics. However, there remain relevant gaps that are not addressed by the former researcher. These gaps are subject to be bridged by the current researcher and hence the relevance of the current research paper writing guide. It is in this concern that the detection of appropriate gaps becomes mandatory. However, it is also very necessary that the identified gaps are supported by an adequate amount of justification. For this purpose, you need to show that you have explored many scholarly works and still failed to get an answer to your research question.
By the end of the Review of Literature, it is important to add a conclusion. This conclusion should sum up all the derivations and knowledge attained from former researchers. While doing so, you must justify the need for an appropriate research methodology to meet the current research relevance.
Writer Literature Review with great understanding about your research topic and equip yourself with all kinds of theoretical and empirical understanding to justify the relevance of your research.
Get Started: Building a Strong Thesis: Writing an Effective Review of Literature!