A Research Proposal is a comprehensive presentation of the future research that you are inclined to take. It is a declaration of valid reasons to support your research aim and objectives. You also need to explain why and how your research holds its relevance in the respective field. Always remember that a good Research Proposal is the key to your career in research. An inappropriately formatted Research Proposal can end up with a straight rejection. To avoid rejection and achieve the objectives for selection, your research proposal must remain inclusive of some core components.
Following the aforementioned Research Proposal outline, you need to add further components to the determined headings.
Title Page.
The title page of a Research Proposal must comprise the Working Title, which is subject to change after it is scrutinized by the Supervisors.
The title must include a separate page declaring:
Name & Surname of the Researcher
Date of Submitting the Research Proposal
Course Applied for the Research
The next page of the Research Proposal starts with the Introduction. On this page, you must add relevant information under the following outline:
Background Overview
Identified Problem
Research Relevance
Aim and Objectives
Research Question/s or Hypotheses
Research Structure
Literature Review.
In the literature review, it is necessary to offer a critical reflection on the former literature related to your selected subject. In this section of your Research Proposal, offer information as per the outline mentioned below:
Current Empirical Derivations
Theoretical Speculations
Theoretical Framework
Research Gaps
Research Methodology.
The research methodology in Research Proposal writing needs to remain well-structured and explained elaborately. For a systematically arranged research methodology, consider the outline of:
Offer clear statements about the maintenance of ethical regulations for this research. Your Research Proposal must be convincing enough to assure that you are not going to violate any of the Code of Conduct determined by the University. The outline of these declarations must comprise of:
Enlist Code of Conducts
Assure your Follow-ups
Inclusion of Consent Form
Research Analysis.
The declarations that you need to make in this section of your Research Proposal is an assumed announcement of the possible outcomes that you are planning to attain from your research. Make sure that you justify this section with the aim & objectives, and relevance of your research. The outline to be considered for this section must include:
Justify Type of Analysis
Describe Analysis Process
Evaluate the Prospective Analysis
Possible Research Contributions
In this section, offer a summing up of the entire Research Proposal. Make sure you include:
Summing up
Research significance
Reference List.
Offer a list of all those sources that you have considered in support of your Research Proposal. Consider the following:
This is an optional section. You can choose to have this section if you have the following declarations to make:
Important Figures
Important Tables
Survey Questions
Interview Questions
Letter of Consent
Offer the best possible reason to pursue your research. Give a convincing statement. Above all, follow the aforementioned Research Proposal outline so that you will miss nothing.